China’s Climate Diplomacy and Energy Security


  • Sakshi Venkateswaran


China, Renewable Energy, Climate Change Diplomacy, Energy Security


As China continues to assert itself on the global stage, its energy policies are increasingly intertwined with its broader Geopolitical ambitions. The country’s investments in renewable energy are not just about reducing carbon emissions; they also serve as a strategic tool for enhancing energy security and reducing dependency on foreign energy imports. Moreover, China’s approach to climate change diplomacy is shaping its relationships with other major powers, particularly the United States, influencing the dynamics of international cooperation on environmental issues. While China’s progress in renewable energy is commendable, significant challenges remain, including the need to increase the domestic utilisation of renewable sources and afresh the logistical and infrastructural barriers that impede further development. Ultimately, China’s journey toward becoming a renewable energy superpower will be a critical factor in global effort to combat climate Change and redefine the future of international relations





International & Transnational Affairs

How to Cite

China’s Climate Diplomacy and Energy Security. (2024). Peninsula Journal of Strategy and Policy, 1(1).