Editorial Team
The members of our editorial board have expertise in a wide range of disciplines, from international relations and foreign policy to democracy and governance, transnational affairs, national security and science and technology. All of our members are working scholars who volunteer their services because they believe in the vision of PJSP and support us with their exceptional knowledge, wisdom, and experience.
Air Marshal M Matheswaran AVSM VM PhD (retd)
Chairman & President, The Peninsula Foundation, Chennai
Email Id: matheswaran@thepeninsula.org.in
Editorial Advisors
Dr S Rammohan PhD
Vice President - The Peninsula Foundation
Email Id: srammohan8@gmail.com
Dr Vijay Sakhuja
Vice President - The Peninsula Foundation
Email Id: sakhujav@gmail.com
Dr. Neela Ganguly Sundaram
Director, Academics & Research, The Peninsula Foundation, Chennai
Email Id – neela.ganguly@thepeninsula.org.in
Editorial Team
Kalyani S K
Masters in International Relations - Research Analyst TPF
Email Id: kalyani@thepeninsula.org.in
Gnana Divya
Masters in International Relations - Research Analyst TPF
Email Id: gnanadivya@thepeninsula.org.in
Eshanth Raj G
Volunteer, TPF
Email Id: eshanth@thepeninsula.org.in
Smruthi Chandrasekar
BA (hons) Global Affairs - Research Analyst TPF
Email Id: smruthi@thepeninsula.org.in
Editorial Board
1. Dr. Utham Jamadagni
Professor and Head, Department of Defence and Strategic Studies,
University of Madras
Email Id – uthamkj@unom.ac.in
2. Dr. Vidya Nadkarni
Professor of Political Science,
University of San Diego
Email Id – nadkarni@sandiego.edu
3. Dr. Andrei Korobkov
Professor of Political Science & International Relations,
Middle Tennessee State University
Email Id – andrei.korobkov@mtsu.edu
4. Dr. S Chandrasegaran
Professor Emeritus,
Johns Hopkins University
Email Id – chandra@jhmi.edu
5. Dr. KT John - Melbourne
Expert in Telecom, IT, and Public Key Infrastructure
Email Id- ktjohn@bigpond.com
6. Dr. TV Paul
James McGill Professor of International Relations, Department of Political Science,
McGill University
Email Id – t.paul@mcgill.ca
7. Professor Arun Kumar PhD
Former Malcom Adiseshiah Chair Professor – Institute of Social Sciences.
Former Professor of Economics – JNU
Email Id – nuramarku@gmail.com
8. Professor M A Kalam PhD
Visiting Professor, Centre for Economic & Social Studies, Hyderabad
9. Dr. Anurag Hazarika
Asst. Professor of Economics, Tezpur Central University, Assam